Thursday, October 26, 2017

an introvert living in an extrovert world

I am an introvert and a pastor. "Fitting in" has never been easy. This makes being a pastor challenging. A few years ago a pastor friend told  me that I wouldn't be a good preacher since I was an introvert. I took these words to heart. Maybe he is right. It was an indictment on who I was. And who I was... was going to keep me from who God was calling me to be. I viewed my introversion as a cross I need rid myself of rather than a gift. Fast forward a few years another pastor told me not tell people that I am an introvert. It was supposed to be a secret.

Time and time again and I am reminded of this quality. Every new place I go to I hear the same murmurings "he didn't talk to everyone at the supper" or "he is not fitting in..."

I explain to people that you have to give me a chance to marinade.

I confess I find it difficult being an introvert. I wish I could walk into a room with a big group of people and not be overwhelmed. Or that I  wouldn't be so disappointed by surface level conversations. Some one asks me, "How are things going?" I respond, "Not so good." They respond, "Cool... well it was good to see you!" Salivating for a real, deep conversation, yet again let down.

Yet there is a gift in the introvert. There is a gift in me. I reflect, process, and listen well. I see people that others don't see. Because I know what it means to be lost in the crowd. And so I know how to make sure someone isn't lost in the crowd.

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